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Soft Custom Spherical Bifocal
OKVision® Defocus Control Lens

Spherical bifocal contact lens with distance center and variable addition. To control myopia.

Waiting time for manufacturing: 1 Month

Slowing the progression of myopia

In children and adolescents (the lenses simultaneously provide high visual acuity and induce peripheral relative myopic defocus).

Unique lenses in Georgia

Soft bifocal lenses OKVision® Defocus Control Lens have no analogues in Georgia. Developed by OKVISION and used to slow the progression of childhood myopia since 2016.

Safety edge of the lens

It does not disrupt the exchange of tears in the sublens space, does not plunge into the conjunctiva, since it is parallel to it.

Certificates and licenses for production


Lens characteristics

Possible materials:

  • Hydrogel Contamac GMAdvance 49%

  • Hydrogel Contamac GMAdvance 58%

  • Silicone hydrogel Contamac Definitive 74%


  • Addition zone: from 3.0 D to 6.0 D (step 0.25 D)

  • Optical power: -30.0 D to +30.0 D (0.25 D steps)

  • Base curvature: 7.0 to 9.0 mm (1 mm increments)

  • Diameter: 13.0 to 15.0 mm (1 mm increments)

  • Possibility to change the size of the central optical zone

  • Manufacturing method: turning

  • Wearing mode: daytime

  • Replacement period: 6 months


+995 591 96 25 99

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