+995 591 96 25 99

OKVision® PRIMA BIO Bi-focal design lenses (defocus) monthly replacement
Hydrogel bifocal soft contact lenses for monthly replacement to control the progression of myopia in children and adolescents.

Slowing the progression of myopia
In children and adolescents (the lenses simultaneously provide high visual acuity and induce peripheral relative myopic defocus).
Unique lenses
Soft bifocal lenses OKVision® Prima BIO Bi-focal have no analogues in Georgia. Developed by our company and used to slow the progression of childhood myopia since 2018.
Safety edge of the lens
It does not disrupt the exchange of tears in the sublens space, does not plunge into the conjunctiva, since it is parallel to it.
Key features of
OKVision® PRIMA BIO Bi-focal design lenses
Possibility of influencing the stabilization of myopia progression.
Biocompatible Hyoxyfilcon A material, composed of 2-HEMA hydrogel and GMA (glycerol methacrylate), contributes to incredible resistance to lens dehydration (less than 1% moisture throughout the day).

Protects eyes from ultraviolet radiation. First class UF filter with maximum protection.oom with low air humidity.

Reducing the risk of developing a high degree of myopia (more than -6.0 D) and, as a result, reducing the risk of developing serious complications such as glaucoma, myopic maculopathy, retinal detachment.
3D humidification system – no dry eyes even when working in a room with low air humidity.

They do not change the shape of the cornea due to rigidity, like orthokeratology lenses. Thus, the effect on the cornea is more gentle.
Lens Characteristics
Material: Hioxifilcon A
Manufacturing method: Cast mold
Water content: 55%
Oxygen permeability (Dk/t): 34.5×10 -9
Elastic modulus: 0.5 mPa
Curvature: 8.4 mm
Diameter: 14.2 mm
Refraction range (Pwr, D): from -0.50 to -5.00 step 0.25; -5.50; -6.00 add 4.00
Addition value: 4.0 D
UV protection: yes
Additional humidification system: 3D
Aspherical design
Rounded edge
Wearing mode: daytime.
Replacement mode: 1 month.
Packing: 6 blisters.
+995 591 96 25 99